It is an exciting time at Sophia Academy as we build our computer science program! This summer, math teacher Emily Fisher attended the Brown University Bootstrap program to learn how to integrate game design into the algebra curriculum, thanks to support of our corporate partner Verizon. Director of Middle School Melissa Moniz has previously attended this program. Many of our students are taking part in Black Girls Code after school at Sophia, a program designed to provide technology education especially to girls of color.
In December, our Math, Science and Engineering, and Visual Arts departments collaborated to develop computer science projects across all grade levels, hosting an Hour of Code week. Teachers and students alike enjoyed the new opportunity and will be engaging in another Hour of Code week in April! Our budding computer science program will help students become more technologically savvy, and see science, math, engineering, and technology as a world of opportunity and possibility.
Math teacher Emily Fisher guides seventh grader Nayelys in a computer assignment.